Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day Seven

If you look closely, you can see a grove of evergreens in his right eye...

I'm in LOVE with these freckles!

Day Six

I love this expression on my baby girl. She's a photographer, too, and will very soon surpass me in skill and art. Maybe she'll let me work with her someday! So, like I said, the noise is there, but I'm going to choose to look at it as "film grain". *Smile*I will try this and the next shot next week with more appropriate settings. Hopefully, it will be warmer!

Day Five

Part of this project for me, in fact, a very large part, is to develop the discipline and experience to become a much better photographer. This means that there will be days when I think I have the shot- only to find in post processing that I missed some setting or focus issue. This will be good for me, but posting these will be hard for me. I like perfection. It's a good opportunity for me to get creative and work with what is.

The next three posts are a span of three days when I didn't bother to check my ISO. It was set at Hi 1 on my Nikon, and the noise is enormous. I worked them a bit in LR, but I'm just learning that program, as well. What I do know about Lightroom is that, if I use a preset, it is more than likely going to be "aged photo". I just really like it! And this is a beautiful piece of white chocolate! Next time, I will nail the focus! Yeah.