Friday, October 29, 2010

Day Three Hundred One


She has new bangs. They’re cute and I wanted a picture.

I will admit here and now that I really didn’t need ten or so pictures, insisting with the last two that she show me her eyes. My bad.

She’s still cute, though, and almost scary enough for Halloween!

She's Had Enough

Day (wait for it…) THREE HUNDRED!


By far, this is my favorite part of homeschooling B...

The walking

Walkin' Cold

and the talking

Walkin' Cold.2

Day Two Hundred Ninety Nine...


Seriously, one of the hairiest rides to Bend in my recent history.

We passed six cars that had not only slid off of the road, but had flipped onto their sides or tops. The reports are that everyone was okay.

But the scenery was stunning as the sun came out and the skies were blue.

These shots are all out of the car window as we drove...

White Knuckles White Knuckles.3 White Knuckles.2

Day Two Hundred Ninety Eight


It Starts...

October Snow.2


October Snow

Day Two Hundred Ninety Seven


Romans 5...

So I don’t forget why or how.

Romans 5

Day Two Hundred Ninety Six


When I was a kid, I would read for entire days. Even after I became a mom, when my kids were napping, I’d get lost in a book and maybe forget for awhile that I had other responsibilities.

I still love to read, but my time is never open-ended like that anymore.

My children have loved books as much as I do. So on a snowy Saturday with no plans, they are likely found (even the college one) on a bed, fully involved in a story.

This one looks interesting. I loved the other one written by Markus Zusak (The Book Thief). I might have to check it out… AFTER I finish Harry Potter’s last adventure.

A Reading Afternoon

Day Two Hundred Ninety Five


Always Kiss Me