Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just a Few to Wrap Up the Year…

fashion blue.2

gracie's moody

grinnin brennan



sepia grace

fashion blue



Part of me, deep inside, seriously doubted that I would stick with this project.

I am, to be honest, stunned that I have.

I thought, also, that I would be relieved to finish and take a break for a few weeks.

So I found myself very surprised just now to tear up as I typed the title for this, my final post of 365 Days of Shaniblue.

If you’re looking to grow as a photographer and as a person, I highly recommend this project 365. You don’t need a lot of rules. Just stick with it.

So gratifying. I’m beginning a new one in one month- on my birthday.

I’ll post a link as soon as it’s up and running.

Thanks for looking!


Some of my biggest fans...

beautiful hailey

my gracie's smile

grinnin brennan.2

Day Three Hundred Sixty Four


Some of my favorite gifts...


my Bible

my bible.1

my bible.2


My daughter ‘s art

framed gracie


My new favorite mug

my mug!


My favorite hippo. From Kinder. He’s delicious.


Day Three Hundred Sixty Three


I spent a few days in a Christmas fog and hadn’t realized that my auto-focus lens wasn’t necessarily auto-focusing.

Good memories are just as good fuzzy.

It’s a good thing, because there’ll be more fuzz.


gingerbread house

Day Three Hundred Sixty Two


my ornamentangelornament

Day Three Hundred Sixty One


Um… really?


really- 363 days

Day Three Hundred Sixty


Where Dreams Begin...


Bren's Guitar

Day Three Hundred Fifty Nine


It’s Christmas!!


he's been here!



Day Three Hundred Fifty Eight


Christmas Eve!

waiting for annie b.

the -even-

santa's cookies

Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven


Pumpkin Cheesecake...


So lovely. So tempting.

It was seriously one of the foulest things I’ve ever made!

My Sparkpeople friends will be glad to hear that.

Day Three Hundred Fifty Six


Finally Decorated


Day Three Hundred Fifty Five


Yeah. I’m pretty much buried in it.

buried in it