Career Day At School...
And guess what she wants to be.
A photographer!
She’s good, too. Look!
Career Day At School...
And guess what she wants to be.
A photographer!
She’s good, too. Look!
I’ve focused so much on photography since last year that I’ve found myself neglecting the other part of me...
The dust on the keys seems appropriate.
As soon as I can sing again, I’ll spend time with this piano.
And I’ll teach my son.
I was sick, but we cleaned the room anyway.
The kid on the bed might look a bit like an uncared for feral boy, but you should know that he cleans up well.
I couldn’t get the gum off of the floor by the bed, however...
Okay, Okay...
You should know before you go browsing through this blog that I began this Project 365 just so I would (hopefully) develop the discipline of shooting- even when things weren’t going well and even if I wasn’t crazy about how it turned out. I had no idea that anyone would ever see it, but a few have. So, now, I’m anxious when I have an off- season and I know that it’s possible that a pro will stumble upon this blog and scoff. Just know that I’m aware, okay?
I’m writing all of this because I’ve had a VERY “off” week. But, in the spirit of learning and growing, I will post anyway.
Feel FREE to skip right over these next few... please!
In my defense, I’ve been crazy-dizzy from a head cold and I can’t seem to shoot a sharp photo to save my life. What you see is the best there is. Truly. I only hope that one of those amazing spurts of competency will follow soon.
Today was “College Day” for my daughter’s homecoming week. Her first. She totally showed up with a Oregon Duck football jersey, hat, beads, facepaint, etc.
This is what I ended up with...