Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Two Hundred Fifty Six


I’ve been waiting for this C.D for over five years now.

I met this beautiful person at a pastor’s wives retreat. I went with my best friend from high school.

Gretchen led the worship, and I was being skeptical. “Church” had been hard on us. I was burned out as the worship leader in our church, and I was sorely in need of authentic, organic worship.


This girl’s music began to heal the cracks that were starting to form in my dry soul.

I wasn’t the only one in the room that first night who responded to her spirit and her beautiful voice. She ended up finding a way for us to take home a C.D. of five tracks that she had on her ( or someone’s)computer.


My family has worn it out. I used it to pray, heal, grow... (and voice exercises! :D)

After MUCH prayer, preparation, and hard work, my (signed, thank you!) copy of her first album is in my hot little hands AND on my iPod.

And it’s just amazing!

Here’s a link if you like gorgeous piano and a voice that makes Carly Simon think, “I WISH!”

And the music of a person with her soul laid open before her God...

Gretchen Jester- Authentic & Beginning

Favorite CD

1 comment:

  1. oh shawnee...words can't express what a beautiful encouragement you are to day there will be a song God gives me and it will be about one of the first people to believe that God had something bigger in mind, a person that has been an encouragement in ways uncomprehendable, a person who has blessed me to my very soul and inspired me to believe truly in God's purpose in every step thus thank you Shawnee, thank you for listening to God's call to be a cheerleader, a blessing, an inspiration...someday we WILL get a good hug once again, here or in heaven girl! :~)
    and until then, these bare words are the best hug i can give :~)
